
Friday, January 7, 2011


12 Traits of Successful People
(From Megatraits by D. McCoy)
n  They enjoy their work.
n  They have high self-esteem and a positive attitude.
n  They use negative experiences to discover their strengths.
n  They are decisive, disciplined goal setters.
n  They have integrity and help others succeed.
n  They are persistent.
n  They take risks.
n  They have developed good communication and problem solving skills.
n  They surround themselves with competent, responsible and supportive people.
n  They are healthy, have high energy and schedule time to renew.
n  They believe in God, a higher power, and sometimes just plain luck.
n  They have a sense of purpose and a desire to contribute to society.

Why is goal setting necessary?
Goal setting helps direct your attention to the appropriate behaviors necessary for increasing :
·        your chances of success.
·        your sense of control and self -confidence.
·        your persistence in the face of adversity and difficulty.

Performance & Outcome
n  PERFORMANCE/PROCESS: focus on the process of HOW you get to your best performance.
n  HOW you want to reach your goal.
n  Shows what you can control.
n  Skill by skill
n  Step by step

n  OUTCOME/RESULTS: focusing on the end result.
n  “To win”
n  Not as much control.
n  Good Dream goal
n  More pressure :Jeff Rouse : too narrow = failure

How to set goals
n  What is the goal?
Be specific: what do you want - NOT NEED
Positive statement.
n  EX: I don’t want to lose my focus…can be stated as “ I want to keep focus in tough situations”
n  Measurable: Observable behavior – numbers – reps…exercises.
n  Achievable Challenging: not too easy - but achievable with work (increases motivation)
n  Realistic: not too hard, under your control, own
n  ideas – FUN not another thing to burden you….something motivating to you…something
n  you want to do – NOT something you SHOULD do.
n  Completion Date: Short term & long term. (Trackable)
n  Evaluate: Must take time to review after a certain time. Injuries. Keep up with changes.
n  ***accountability***

Your goal: step by step
n  How: Specific steps you will take to reach goal.
n  Roadblocks: Plan for the realistic things that happen to get in the way, blocking our plan to achieve our goals.
n  “Life happens” Anticipate them and create a practical plan. Schedules!
n  Strategies: Ideas that will help you meet your goals. May involve time management, psychological skills, and teamwork.
n  Sharing your goals – getting help from your resources.
n  Mental Skills strategies: Self talk, imagery, focusing techniques, relaxation, energizing, sleep, nutrition, humor
n  Status: How are you doing? Suggestions on how to keep it up.

COMMON mistakes in Goal setting exercises:
n  Setting too many goals too quickly – try a few per week, or see what you can handle,
n  Balance -PRIORITIZE (same for mental skills)
n  Setting unrealistic goals.
n  Forgetting – share with coach, team,
n  keep it visible, handy
    EX: index cards

Examples of Goal Setting exercises : Example
n  GOAL: Gain more confidence on the field.
            FEEL more confident - body language, self talk.
n  HOW: I will do 5 minutes of imagery each day on specific scenario’s I could improve. Record Self talk dialogue.
n  ROADBLOCKS: What do I imagine? No ideas. Ask coach what to work on.
n  STRATEGY: Think of things I had trouble with in practice, skills, emotions – embarrassments – try to replay those and re-think reactions. Practice in quiet place first, then in places with more distractions. Practice successful images.
n  STATUS: Hard, will get easier the more it do it. Can do more situations and see how my confidence improves – how do I feel on the field?

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